At the beginning of January we should hand in a written essay around 1000 words. We can take a sonnet, a play or an extract. If we choose a sonnet, we need at least two translations.
Lat time we discussed what constitutes Shakespeare`s texts.
The origin of numebring of the acts and scenes: Act and scene numberings are not the work of Shakespeare. They are the works of Nicholas Rowe, who is the first editor of Shakespeare`s plays. He chopped out his plays into acts and scenes. But why?
He modelled the patern of Greek and Latin Literature.
Boileau: based on classical darama. Classical criticism was written by Aristotle. Boileau tidied up Shakespeare.
After Rowe, editors got to work on Shakespeare`s plays. At those times there were only 4 editions. However in the 18thc entury there were 65 editions including the pirot editions.
Among these there were 8 major editions which were important.
Editors in the 18th century asked : What it should be. Not what it seems to be. What you think should be there was put in lines.
In 1760 Christoph Marty Willard attempted to translate Shakespeare in German.
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