Dear Friends,
I am doing Bachelor`s Degree at the English Department. For this reason, I have to learn Latin as well.
I attend Mr. Wallish`s courses every Monday and Wednesday between 18.30 and 20.00 o`clock, and on Friday between 17.00 and 18.30 o`clock.
Now I will write down the things which we learnt at the first week which is on Monday in 11 March 2009.
ae and oe diphtongs are pronounced e because of the late antique use. In German it is spät Antique.
If the following wovel sound after the `c` sound is a, o or u then c is pronounced as k.
If the following wovel sound after the `c` sound is i or e then it is pronounced as s. This is called Platzierung.
From google:The palatalization of c took place much later [than the 2nd
century], there being no unequivocal evidence until the sixth century. In Classical Latin this sound was pronounced as a plosive [k] in all positions. Before i^ (i with a circumflex beneath) and
somewhat later before i and e, the consonant was palatalized and a glide sound developed[kj]. The next stage is postulated as [tj], which developed as above to ts, the convergence of ci and ti being
apparent from the confusion of orthography: nuncius, amicicia, tercium, nacione, and conditio, solatium, intcitamento seems to imply an affricate
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