Lecutre Notes of 20.10. 2009 Thursday with Professor Mengel

The first final test will be at the last lecture time.

It starts at 10.15. It is highly recommended for you to take the first exam.


There will be 12 questions in the exam and each question will have a number of credit points.

If you get 40 points then your grade is 1. If you collect 20 points then you get 4. If you get below 20 credits, such as 19 then you fail and get 5.


Question for example: Difference between catalogue and bibliography?


Question 2: Hemmingway Old Man at the Bridge. Talk about symbolism in Hemmingway`s Old Man at the Bridge.


Or we will have to place the author or poet into the correct age. For example, Shakespeare belongs to the Elizabethan Age and Chaucer lived in the Medieval time.


This course is an introduction to English and American Literature.


Joseph Conrad`s Heart of Darkness is an obligatory reading task. The reader of this course is online on the e-learning Fronter platform.


Professor pays a special attention to library study. Studying at the university means you are able to use the library. Not only Wikipedia is enough. There will be 2 credit questions in the final test about how to write books according to the style sheet. MLA is an online catalogue. For your seminar papers, you can make use of it. 


During this semester we will cover three different genres in the literary cannon.


Fiction             Drama          Poetry



Literary theory: What is it concerned with? What is Literature? It is one of the complex questions.


Answer: Those pages between the covers of a book is literature.


What relation does literature have to reality? Literature is mimetic. It gives us  an authentic picture of the reality. This is a commonsense answer, not a scientific answer.  Dickens is a realist writer. If you look at his texts, there is a lot of imagination. Question of relation between literature and reality is still dealt with widely.


Each approach to literature applies pre assumptions. For example structural approach looks for structures in the text. Structures can relate to men and women. Structures can concern far away or close by. Structures can deal with sun and moon.


Psychological approach: Literature is product of unconsciousness than a consciousness of a rational mind. Subconscious forces are controlling the text that the author has produced. Writer might not be aware of what he or she is producing.


Literary theory deals with all of these. Literary Theory deals with how literature is produced.


The Eagleton is advised to be read. M.H. Abrahams  : Glossary of Literary Terms is advised to be read.


What is symbol?   You can check it in the Dictionary of Literary Terms.


Literary History embed the literature in the time that it was produced.


From the Middle Ages to the present, how did literature develop?

Imagine you are writing a paper on Charles Dickens. You might turn to special volumes of Oxford Literary History and you might read the Victorian Age. It is not very scholarly to rely on Wikipedia alone. Some pieces of information are reliable in internet and some are not.


Emphasis will be on British Literature during the course of this lecture, but we will also mention American Literature.



New English Literature: Postcolonial Literature in English such as South African Literature.


Rudolf Beck and Konrad Schröder: Handbook of British Literature.


The opening of the Darlington Railway: Railway is the symbol of industrialization.


1831 The first Reform Bill: Reform of British Elections.


The Gunpowder Plot: Articles about reforms of British elections.


Collections of Essays. Mr. Professor Mengel finds them very useful. For example in Charles Dickens` Tales of two cities. You could find in Collection of Essays. You can find some basic information there.


MLA handbook style sheet: Joseph Gibaldi. You can find those rules how to write a style sheet.


Introduction to Methods of Text Analysis by Rimmon Kenan


Chatman Seymour: Narrative structure in Fiction and Film. It is good for cultural studies for example.



Manfred Pfister. How a drama functions, how is it set up and what structures it has.


There are lists of important journals and acronyms on the reader.


The first lecture was the introduction of the reader and introduction of what we were going to cover during the course of the lecture.